Ball Rolling ie Trigger Point Release....
/Join me for a series of Ball Rolling and Core Classes. Ball Rolling is like giving yourself a deep muscle massage and helps release trigger points that can create pain in various areas of the body. Classes start now until May 25th 2016. There are a variety of times and levels available for all body types. Come and do some self myofascial release using tennis balls and foam rollers to release your tight spots and then do some gentle stretches and postural stability exercises to balance the body.
These classes are accessible to anyone with a body...that means YOU! :)
Come join me:
*Mondays for a Ball Rolling Core Class @ 10am-11:30 ~ 518 Lake St.
*Wednesday for Ball Rolling Core Class @ 1pm-2:30 ~518 Lake St
~Classes are $10 drop in and first class is free.~ Class size may be limited so come early or email to reserve a spot
Classes will run straight through until June 23, 2017 and don't occur on any Stat Holidays. Email me or call me if you have any questions.
I look forward to rolling around with you :)